We have been told to Research and develop an idea based on anything we want. In order words think of a problem and come up with a solution to that particular problem and it could be anything, we have been given the freedom to go wild and explore.
I went away and started coming up with different ideas/problems I feel I can find a digital solution to and below are some of the ideas I came up with:
Benefits |
How do people on benefits (e.g. Income support) not stay on it for long. is there anything the government can trigger to make them move on and achieve something good with their lives. OR What can they do themselves to get a live they deserve and not be on benefits for a very long time. |
Poverty alleviating in foreign countries. | Create a digital display that can be sent out to different countries suggesting and proposing ways that people can live better then they already are and how they can make use of there surrounding resources. |
Encouraging people from different countries to visit the UK. |
Less and less people are visiting the UK and it is affecting the growth of the country. What is it about the UK that would be of interest as well as beneficial to foreigners. Create a digital display that would be used to solve this problem. |
Health (Fitness) |
How to stay on top of your game. Individuals who go to gym but end up not seeing any difference in their health and lifestyle. √ what exercise is relevant to you. √ Exercise used for recovery. √ what do you when you got to the gym √ do you need a personal trainer and Is there a need to join a gym? √ Can you workout using your environment and save your money. |
Creative |
Creative students who graduate and end up not getting a job in the field they specialise in due to no availabilities of jobs, opportunities or even funds. How would society/government/individuals tackle this situation and ensure that graduates secure a job straight after they graduate. GCSE students. A level students. |
This were all my initial ideas I came up with but then I continued searching and doing research to see what I personally feel or think would be more relevant in our contemporary society.