This week I looked more into the work of Peter Honey & Alan Mumford then came across VAK learning “sometimes known as VAKT (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, & Tactile).
Visual: learn by watching and reading
Auditory: learn by listening
Kinaesthetic: learn by doing practical work.
This is basically my idea broken down in three stages, The main task now would finding a way to communicate the idea to the targeted audiences .
Originally I was aiming to create an animated video as a form of presenting my project but how do I put forward my point of three different learning styles if I’m only just presenting one part of it ‘Visual’. How is an Auditory learner benefiting by watching? or what is the beneficial outcome of a Kinaesthetic learning reading? especially children.
However we could argue that by providing the different options available, it helps strengthen their ability to know or learn more which supports the theory of kolb learning process.
So the challenge now is to find a way of communicating to both the kinaesthetic learner and the auditory learning.
I decided to do some research to find ideas that could help me come up with different solutions to my project and found out some interesting projects that has been distributed in different ways to different targeted audiences.