The initial idea for Learn4 is to create awareness to children and the general public, the different styles of learning and how each individual child is different when it comes to the way he/she learns.
Visual learning: A learning style the requires watching
Auditory learning: A learning style that requires listening
Kinesthetic learning: A learning style that requires hands on doing things.
Peter Honey and Alan Mumford (1986a) identify four distinct styles or preferences that people use while learning and categories them as
Activist |
Reflectors |
Theorist |
Pragmatists |
Individuals thats just go along with everything and anything straight away. |
Individuals that like to stand back and observe the situation before getting involved. |
Individuals that enjoy analysing and understanding why different aspect of elements work the way they do. |
Individuals that intend to find out how things function/work by physically doing it. |
It is arguable that some individuals uses more the one of each categories when learning e.g. some individuals enjoy watching and listening but not reading, while for some it’s the
complete other way round.After developing the concept and identifying what to do, it was time to set a time schedule for what needs getting done and by when.
Learn4 was now been broken down in three different stages but originally at first the aim was to create an animated video as a form of presenting the whole project but then I questioned myself, how do I put forward my point of three different learning styles if I’m only just presenting one part of it ‘Visual’. How is an Auditory learner benefiting by watching? or what is the beneficial outcome of a Kinaesthetic learning reading? especially children. So I came up with the idea of having each of the learning style support the other because although an auditory learning might be better at listening, having visual images will help them make sense of what they are listening to and that in a way could be argued to have a positive effect because by providing the different learning styles available, it helps strengthen people’s ability to know or learn more which supports the theory of “kolb learning process”.
Stage one: Visual learner.
There will be a recorded video footage of someone potentially in a classroom demonstrating how to create a Thaumatrope and in the video there will be free music playing in the background as well as some animation to keep the audience entertained.
Stage two: Auditory learner.
There will be an in depth recorded audio file explaining the process of creating a Thaumatrope and with the audio file there will be visual images (still images) slide showing as the audio progress from one stage to another.There will also be some sound effect to grab the listener’s attention to ensure they are getting the informations being sent across.
Stage three: Kinesthetic
For the Kinesthetic “hands on” learners, there will be both a video and an audio file telling and encouraging the audience to take on the activity and follow up by getting the necessary materials to create their own Thaumatrope right there. This is an activity that would be best done in schools or home with the supervision of a teacher/parent.
I intend to make sure the project is entertaining to the audience but at the same time ensure that the message i’m trying to deliver get sent across. I intend to draw ideas and inspiration from different sources and one of which is Kiwi Crate. Kiwi Crate is an online site that educates and inspire children to see themselves as future professionals. findout more:
- The language must be appropriate and suitable for KS2 children
- Music used must be appropriate for targeted audience
- It will be in three different parts
- At the end of each learning style audience should have an idea and concrete
knowledge of what they
The Image below is a screenshot from a video ‘Stepping into Science’ taken from an online website STEM LEARNING. Stem is an educational online service that helps young student learn about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The purpose of the video was to experiment on materials (to find out which materials are waterproof). The video is relevant to my project because the target audience are the same age group as mine and also it’s an interactive video that covers all the different learning style. It uses a simple font style and simple english, it uses sound effect to demonstrate the action and the environment is children friendly in other words, it uses different bright colours that stands out and draws the audience attention. What I would suggest that could have been done differently is if they had children same age as their targeted audience presenting or better still participating in the experiment live that will enable their audience relate more with the experiment but other than that is was brilliant.
Read more and watch full video: educational-service-young-science-investigators
Action of Parliament is an animated video from youtube created for children in KS2 informing them about parliament, its structure, how laws are made etc. It’s a very simple video that is entertaining and fun to watch but at the same time it delivers the message clearly with the use of colour, space, sound and the way the characters are animated. But what I can suggest that could have been done better was the pace of the video, it felt to fast and rushed but other than that the video was really good, entertaining and educative. watchful video:
It has been proven that 50% of kids advert on TV are foods and candies, so I looked into some children project and they all have the same marketing strategies (social media, TV shows, posters etc.) read more: (
Promotion: When it comes to promoting the project, social media would play an important role seeing as almost everything is done digitally online. The project will target parents and teachers as well as anyone who wants to get a bit of knowledge about the learning style for their own benefits. Also create a short video trailer that can be advertised on CBBC in one of their programme scheduled for 5PM.
I did several research finding out different ideas and themes to strengthen my project, thinking of different ways to present my idea to my targeted audience. After the research I started doing some practical work and so far I have recorded different video footage of myself and other contributors making different thaumatrope which is then going to be edited and animated to meet the visual requirement of my KS2 audience. Please find some of the footage on the link below:
After I have selected my final set of videos, I will edit and add some animations to them to keep it entertaining and interesting for my visual audience.
For sound I still need to record either my voice or the voice of a child age 7-12 depending on which I think the audience would relate to more and one of the problem with that is finding a child. So there is a huge possibility of me using my voice as the recording for my auditory audience.
Lastly I need create a video demonstrating stage by stage how to go about making a thaumatrope and encourage the audience to try it out themselves and participate in creating one of their own.
I still need to find a set of children that would be used as test subjects for the project and one of the possible way will involve me going to propose the idea to a school and see if they would be willing to let me use some of their pupils as subjects for the project. Also I would like to create or have a set stage when creating the piece for my kinesthetic audience but how I go about achieving that. I haven’t decided as of yet. Apart from all those little obstacles, the project is going well and looking good which means I am on target.